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zwei Boote in der Nacht
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Der Besuch der alten Dame
Thun, Switzerland | 2013 | Pro-Shot | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Dean Welterlen (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Thomas Christ (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Eric Hättenschwiler (Loby), Marianne Curn (Julia Ill), Niklas Abel (Tobias Ill), Shari Lynn Stewen (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred) Notes: TV broadcast, making-of with the cast and the production team, 81 minutes + extras (including proshot clips). VOB + smalls | 4.31 GB
Thun, Switzerland | August 2013 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Dean Welterlen (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Shari Lynn Stewen (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred), Niklas Abel (Toby) Notes: Starts with the party at the hotel and Claire's offer. Missing some seconds between scenes, but everything important is included. You cannot see the left part of the stage where Young Claire and Alfred are acting in memories. Some heads obstruct bottom of the screen. VOB + smalls | 3.99 GB
Thun, Switzerland | 30.August 2013 | LT (2:1) | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Dean Welterlen (Johannes Reitenberger [Pfarrer]), Thomas Christ (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Eric Hättenschwiler (Loby), Marianne Curn (Julia), Shari Lynn Stewen (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred), Niklas Abel (Tobias) VOB (no smalls) | 3.24 GB
Vienna, Austria | 22.February 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Ethan Freeman (u/s Alfred Ill), Fernand Delosch (u/s Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang / [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Niklas Abel (Niklas III), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Sophie Graf (Lena), Gernot Romic (junger Gerhard) Notes: Lots of head obstruction in frame, still watchable. VOB (no smalls) | 4.28 GB
Vienna, Austria | 5.April 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberger [Pfarrer]), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Shane Dickson (Loby), Marianne Curn (Julia Ill), Niklas Abel (Niklas Ill), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Gerhard) Notes: Shot from high in mezzanine. Railing obstructs the view and heads occasionally drift into the frame. VOB + smalls | 4.27 GB
Vienna, Austria | 26.April 2014 Matinée | DE: Masha Karell (u/s Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Maaike Schuurmans (u/s Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Niklas Abel (Niklas III), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Wolfgang Postelbauer (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Sophie Graf (Lena), Gernot Romic (junger Gerhard) Notes: Act 2 only, full stage, no zooms, blindshot. Starts at "Trio Infernal." Sometimes video tends to cut out lower part of the stage, especially towards the end. VOB + smalls | 3.27 GB
Vienna, Austria | 26.April 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Shari Lynn Stewen (u/s junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Gernot Romic (junger Gerhard) Notes: Corrected from original DVD authoring as part of remastering process. Pretty good shoot and A/V quality. VOB + smalls | 8.42 GB
Vienna, Austria | 27.April 2014 | DE: Patricia Hodell (u/s Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Christian Peter Hauser (u/s Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Peter Kratochvil (u/s Toby), Wolfgang Postlbauer (u/s Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Marianne Curn (Julia Ill), Niklas Abel (Niklas Ill), Shari Lynn Stewen (u/s junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Ilia Hollweg (Lena), Gabriela Ryffel (Bürgermeistersfrau) Notes: Act 1 only. Blindshot sometimes, not many close-ups. VOB + smalls | 4.14 GB
Vienna, Austria | 27.April 2014 [Musical Meets Opera 5] | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Ethan Freeman, Ensemble VOB (no smalls) | 2.17 GB
Vienna, Austria | May 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Niklas Abel (Niklas III), Florian Fetterle (Toby), Christian Peter Hauser (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Sophie Graf (Lena) Notes: Includes "Liebe endet nie" with Masha Karell as Claire Zachanassian. VOB + smalls | 4.63 GB
Vienna, Austria | 25.May 2014 | VLT (3:1) | DE: Masha Karell (u/s Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill) Notes: Very rare recording, great quality but sometimes with head obstructions. MOD | 5.44 GB
Vienna, Austria | 25.June 2014 Highlights | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Christian Peter Hauser (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Ilia Hollweg (Lena) Notes: Act One is complete, Act Two only highlights. Lots of head obstructions and not shooting around them. Lots of camera movement, which makes it not pleasant to watch, but still trying to get some good close ups. VOB + smalls | 4.92 GB
Tecklenburg, Germany | Summer 2022 | Rumpel | DE: Masha Karell (Claire Zachanassian), Thomas Borchert (Alfred Ill), Navina Heyne (Mathilde Ill), Martin Pasching (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Alexander di Capri (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Benjamin Eberling (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Andreas Goebel (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Jochen Schmidtke (Loby), Michael B. Sattler (Toby), Andrew Chadwick (Roby), Katia Bischoff (junge Claire), Fabio Diso (junger Alfred), Lasarah Sattler (Lena), Tamara Albers, Jan Altenbockum, Dominique Aref, Jürgen Brehm, Zoltan Fekete, Lukas Heiser, Jennifer Kohl, Esther Larissa Lach, Mathias Meffert, Julian Schier, Lara Schittko, Birgit Widmann Notes: Full show, although it's missing approximately 30 seconds of a (not so important imho) dialogue in Act Two after "Ich hab' die Angst besiegt". Filmed from the front row with no obstruction, sometimes blindly but with beautiful, steady close-ups. No curtain call. VOB + smalls / MP4 | 13.90 GB total
Thun, Switzerland | 20.July 2013 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Mona Graw (u/s Mathilde Ill), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Dean Welterlen (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]) MP3 (Untracked) | 72.80 MB
Thun, Switzerland | 16.August 2013 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Ethan Freeman (u/s Alfred Ill), Thomas Christ (u/s Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Dean Welterlen (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]) MP3 | 73.40 MB
Vienna, Austria | 28.February 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Niklas Abel (Niklas III), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Sophie Graf (Lena) MP3 (Untracked) | 65.50 MB
Vienna, Austria | 1.March 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Ethan Freeman (alt. Alfred Ill), Fernand Delosch (u/s Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Bernhard Viktorin (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia III), Niklas Abel (Niklas III), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Jeroen Phaff (Roby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Ilia Hollweg (Lena) MP3 (Untracked) | 66.80 MB
Vienna, Austria | 20.April 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Carin Filipčić (Mathilde Ill), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Dean Welterlen, Lutz Standop, Jeroen Phaff, Shane Dickson, Hanna Kastner, Niklas Abel, Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred) MP3 (Untracked) | 125.60 MB
Vienna, Austria | 28.June 2014 | DE: Pia Douwes (Claire Zachanassian), Uwe Kröger (Alfred Ill), Ethan Freeman (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Masha Karell (Mathilde Ill), Norbert Lamla (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Hans Neblung (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Gunter Sonneson (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Jeroen Pfaff (Roby), Peter Kratochvil (Toby), Dean Welterlen (Loby), Lisa Habermann (junge Claire), Riccardo Greco (junger Alfred), Marianne Curn (Julia Ill), Niklas Abel (Niklas Ill) MP3 (Untracked) | 138.40 MB
Japan | 2015 | JP: Mayo Suzukaze (Claire Zachanassian), Yuichiro Yamaguchi (Alfred Ill), Zen Ishikawa (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Sumire Haruno (Mathilde Ill), Kiyotaka Imai (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Takuya Kon (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Noboru Nakayama (Johannes Reitenberger [Pfarrer]), Megumi Iino (junge Claire), Kenichiro Teramoto (junger Alfred) Notes: Very rare recording of only non-German production. Quality is not the best. Yamaguchi's performance is not the best in Act 1, though in Act 2 he's singing much better. MP3 (Untracked / Act 1 tracked) | 497.80 MB
The Netherlands | 2022 | Bitchboi | NFT until 31.December 2023 | NL: Valeska Poismans (Claire Zachanassian), Stephan Beerens (Alfred Ill), Linda de Wit (Mathilde Ill), Bart van der Meer (Matthias Richer), Adrie de Laat (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Marcel Driessen (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Guus Visser (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Robbin Punt (Toby / junger Gerhard / Journalist / Ensemble), John Dries (Roby / Ensemble), Joep Kortekaas (Loby / Ensemble), Tara Bos (junge Claire / Ensemble), Jelle Wijgergangs (junger Alfred / Journalist / Ensemble) Notes: Absolutely phenomenal Dutch amateur production of Der Besuch der alten Dame (international title: The Visit), put on by Brabants Muziek-Theater. It was a non-replica production, and they made it their own while simultaneously staying true to the original (including a niche reference to the original in Alfred's shop: a shelf with just rubber boots). At the end of 'Trio uit de hel' ('Trio infernal') the audience starts cheering because pyro fireworks went off. M4A (Tracked and Untracked) | 568.20 MB
Tecklenburg, Germany | 7.August 2022 | Melovely | NFTF | DE: Masha Karell (Claire Zachnassian), Thomas Borchert (Alfred Ill), Wietske van Tongeren (e/c Mathilde Ill), Martin Pasching (Matthias Richter [Bürgermeister]), Alexander Di Capri (Klaus Brandstetter [Lehrer]), Benjamin Eberling (Johannes Reitenberg [Pfarrer]), Andreas Goebel (Gerhard Lang [Polizist]), Jochen Schmidtke (Loby), Andrew Chadwick (Roby) Michael Sattler (Toby), Katia Bischoff (junge Claire), Fabio Diso (junger Alfred) Notes: Wietske van Tongeren jumped in as emergency cover Mathilde Ill for two days.
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